Leprechaun is a social all-level linkshell on the Final Fantasy XI
Lakshmi server for Tarutarus. Leprechaun is the only (that we are aware
of) all tarutaru linkshell on Lakshmi, and one of the largest, if not the
largest, all tarutaru linkshell across all servers.
Our ultimate goal is to unite all tarutarus and take over Vana'diel. >.>
Failing that, our primary goal and purpose is to have fun, and
help each other out as much as we can. Our only requirement (besides
being Tarutaru) is to try to stay active (i.e. online) in linkshell from
time to time, be kind, and of course have fun. ^^ To join, /tell Drxcrist
or one of our sack holders. In addition to making the game a cool place
to hang out, we will ocasionally do various events together, including
quests, missions, AFs, BCNMs, HNMs, and more. Remember, there's more than
just leveling and camping mobs -- it's a big virtual world: explore it
and enjoy it!